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  1. Don’t look up every word you don’t know.. Avoid looking up words unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  2. Look up important words…but sparingly! Sometimes there will be words that you need to look up in order to understand the text.
  3. Read for general understanding. Your goal is to get the general message of the texts. You’ll pick up a lot of the additional information from context.
  4. Choose reading material that’s in your “zone of genius”. Read materials that are at just above your current level.
    ** Remember that, for beginners, you can also start reading children’s literature: stories are short and the language and the plot is simplified.
  5. Read in English as often as possible. The more you read, the more you’ll improve.
  6. Enjoy reading in English! Sit back, relax and enjoy!

* Adapted from www.iwillteachyoualanguage.com.

Let’s show you the book proposal made from www.elblogdeidiomas.es .


Durante este curso escolar, el profesorado del Centro de Adultos de Graus hemos realizado varios cursos de formación.
Tal y como decía Nelson Mandela: “La educación es el arma más poderosa que puedes usar para cambiar el mundo ” por eso tenemos que estar continuamente en formación. Entre los cursos realizados cabe mencionar el curso de herramientas para desmontar micromachismos cotidianos